Monday 27 February 2012

Storyboard Rough Idea

Here are some rough drawing of how the storyboard of the trailer will be set out. Me and my partner created these drawing to set a timeline for each scene and so that we know the exact element and the composition of each shot.

Film Trailer Ideas

For my film trailer, I have made some ideas of how I want the trailer to progress. I have some brief ideas of how the trailer will flow and written some of the main scenes.

  • The trailer will begin in a dark setting. Slowly, the trailer will begin to show some of the films plot as a TV opens and a light is in contrast of the shadow of a kid playing in front of the TV. The trailer will be broken up by a TV static like which will last for about a second. In addition, the trailer will be broken up with inter-titles. Overall, the inter-titles will say, "What happens when a game turns into reality? Will you survive or is it Game Over"
  • The trailer itself will be alternating from clips of reality, scenes with real actors and real props and clips of a game. These will be broken up by the inter-titles and in the end, the trailer ends with the final inter-title, "Game Over".
  • As for the sounds, I plan on using both diagetic and non-diagetic sounds. I am going to increase the tempo of the trailer as it goes to add to the tension and the identity of the main character will be kept secret throughout the trailer to add to the mystery.
  • In the end, it will show the release date of the film as well as the director and some of the cast involved. It will also show the production company.
Based on some of these ideas, I look to begin the progress of filming and improving on some of these rough ideas. 

Sunday 19 February 2012

Magazine Front Cover Ideas

Before I begin creating a horror magazine front cover, I have created some right sketches of what I want to make as my final piece. In each of the 3 sketches, I have decided to make each different from each other by using a different masthead for each piece, as well as to create a new slogan. In all, I have 3 masthead ("Scarred", "Wreck" and "Terror") which are all titles of the magazine that straight away identifies the magazine's genre. Each of these masthead are presented in different style and colour but, all are very big, bold and clear which will make is easy for the audience to see the magazines name. In addition, the magazines structure is also different from each other and the main cover lines and sub cover lines are presented in different ways. Furthermore, the main cover line in all the magazine is always "Game Over" as it can act as a advertisement of the film and promotes it to the public.
The image which is in the centre of the magazine are also different from each other. The first image for "Scarred" shows a half skull and half boy image in front of a TV and a computer game. From this image, it clearly suggest some aspects of the plot of the film although the rest is a mystery. By having half a skull in the image, it is suggesting to the audience that the film will involve some sort of violence or death as a skull represents death and mortality of a human.
In the "Wreck" magazine, the main image shows a mysterious character that is unidentifiable as it is a shadow of someones back in front of a TV. This image again revolves around the idea of a 'game' and the mysterious character adds to the mystery of the plot of the story is.
Finally, the final design "Terror" is similar to the first design as it shows an image of a person's head with half a skull and half a teenage boy. This front cover, however, is different from "Scarred" front cover as it does not reveal bits of the plot such as the "gaming" aspect of the film. This can attract the audience more into watching the film as they do not know what is involved within the film.

Movie Poster Ideas

Before I begin creating a movie poster, I made some drawings and design different types of movie poster in order to generate more ideas. I created two posters in which have helped me decide on what image to use for the movie poster. In addition, I made some samples of masthead which I can use for my final poster.

I also created a digital image of roughly how I want my final movie poster to look like by combining an image I obtained from Google, along with adding my slogan and an image I made in "Paint" of a sample masthead.

Although the design doesn't look like very professional, I have an idea which I can work from and improve.

Final Ideas

After completing and gathering all of the information which I have gained from my research, I have put together some ideas of what I want and need for my trailer, poster and magazine front cover. By creating this, I will use this as a guideline to allow me to keep in mind original ideas I have and maybe modify/improve some of these ideas during the process of creating each piece.

Summary of Research

After completing my research, I have gathered all of the information I will need in order to create my own horror trailer, movie poster and a horror magazine front cover. By collecting the typical conventions of each type, I can now use these techniques in my own work to create a trailer, poster and a magazine cover that fits in with the current trend associated with the genre.

Research: Horror Magazine Front Cover Research

For my research, I have selected 3 horror magazine and will analyze the front cover of these magazines. By understanding common traits of horror magazine, I am then able to use these techniques when making my own front cover for a horror magazine to make my design fit the trends of a typical horror magazine.