Sunday 19 February 2012

Magazine Front Cover Ideas

Before I begin creating a horror magazine front cover, I have created some right sketches of what I want to make as my final piece. In each of the 3 sketches, I have decided to make each different from each other by using a different masthead for each piece, as well as to create a new slogan. In all, I have 3 masthead ("Scarred", "Wreck" and "Terror") which are all titles of the magazine that straight away identifies the magazine's genre. Each of these masthead are presented in different style and colour but, all are very big, bold and clear which will make is easy for the audience to see the magazines name. In addition, the magazines structure is also different from each other and the main cover lines and sub cover lines are presented in different ways. Furthermore, the main cover line in all the magazine is always "Game Over" as it can act as a advertisement of the film and promotes it to the public.
The image which is in the centre of the magazine are also different from each other. The first image for "Scarred" shows a half skull and half boy image in front of a TV and a computer game. From this image, it clearly suggest some aspects of the plot of the film although the rest is a mystery. By having half a skull in the image, it is suggesting to the audience that the film will involve some sort of violence or death as a skull represents death and mortality of a human.
In the "Wreck" magazine, the main image shows a mysterious character that is unidentifiable as it is a shadow of someones back in front of a TV. This image again revolves around the idea of a 'game' and the mysterious character adds to the mystery of the plot of the story is.
Finally, the final design "Terror" is similar to the first design as it shows an image of a person's head with half a skull and half a teenage boy. This front cover, however, is different from "Scarred" front cover as it does not reveal bits of the plot such as the "gaming" aspect of the film. This can attract the audience more into watching the film as they do not know what is involved within the film.

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