Tuesday 26 April 2011

Feedback on my First Draft

In order to improve my work, I showed my first drafts to fellow students and gained some feedback. By asking other people for feedback's, I am able to gain insight into what other people look for in a music magazine and the kind of features they like/dislike. Feedback is an important process in making a music magazine as it allows me to excel and improve my work. Here are the feedbacks which I gained for each of my work:

After getting these feedbacks, I will try to incorporate some of the suggestions made by the audience. However, based on the results of my feedbacks, there are many positives which suggest to me that some features of my work were successful. This shows that I currently have a solid base to build on and excel. By improving some of these negatives, I am able to improve my overall work and attract more people into buying my magazine.

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