Tuesday 26 April 2011


Here are the results of my photoshoot. I found my photoshoot a success as I believe that I gained all of the photos I need in order to produce a magazine front cover, contents page and a double page spread. I found the photoshoot fun and exciting, along with the models I used. During the photoshoot, I had mixed results of photos with someone being suitable and some with faults.

I have analysed the whole photoshoot progress by choosing 3 faulty pictures which are not suitable for my magazine due to some faults in them and 3 pictures which I can potentially use for each of the category.

Faulty picture - Magazine front cover

There are some faults with this picture which prevents me from using it as my background image for my front cover. For starters, the model does not fill the page but only half of it. During my research, I found that most of the background images in current magazines dominate the whole of the front page. However, this image is very small. In addition, the white background at the top is disrupted and there is a wallpaper above him. This clearly shows that there are some faults with this image and therefore I cannot use it as my background image for my front cover.

Faulty picture - Contents page

Similarly, there are some faults with this pictures which prevents me from using it as one of my pictures in my contents page. In this picture, the background of the model is not clear as they can see the walls on either side of him. In addition, the model seems small in this picture and a closer shot would be better. Finally, the model is not looking directly at the camera and therefore is not engaging with the viewer.

Faulty picture - Double page spread

Just like the previous couple of images, this photo also contains some errors. In my research, I found that in the double page spread, one of the pages contains a large photo which dominates the page. In this picture, the model is not bold and does not dominate the page. In addition, the white background is disrupted by the blue wallpaper in the top and one of the reflectors can be seen on the left hand side therefore, I cannot use this image for my double page spread.

Potential picture - Magazine front cover

This photo can potentially be my background image for my  front cover as it has all of the features which I am looking for. First of all, the size of the model in the photo is proportionally correct as he dominates most of the page and leaves enough space on the top for the magazine masthead/title. The posture of the model is very engaging and he is looking directly at the camera to give the effect that he is looking directly at the readers. All of these aspects or conventions are all typical of many music magazines as I have found in my research. Therefore, if I use this image, my product is able to fit in and look legit as it is a typical photo used as a background image.

Potential picture - Contents page

This photo can potentially be in my contents page as it contains all aspect I wanted for a photo in the contents page. In this photo, both of the models are looking directly at the camera and they dominate the page completely. In addition, the colour of their clothing are eye-catching as they contrast the white background. As each of the model are wearing different colour, is makes each of them standout and they look dissimilar. Also, I am happy with their posture and the pair shows to be a good partner as music artist. The props of the snapback and the glasses adds to the style which is popular of the genre I have chosen.

Potential picture - Double page spread

This image has the potential to be my picture for my double page spread as it has all the aspects which I wanted for my double page spread picture. The posture of the model fits in well with the mood I wish to set, along with the quote "It's been tough lately". As the model is looking down and looks dis-heartened, his posture and mise-en-scene fits in well with the article and the mood of the double page spread. The loosened tie and the unbuttoned shirt are all features which compliments this mood. In addition, the proportion of this image is perfect as it dominates the whole page and leaves enough room for a quote on his right side.

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