Saturday 26 November 2011

Task Calendar

Monday 10th October 2011 – Monday 17th October
Begin to look at current trailers of my genre (horror/action). Analyse in detail 3 trailers using spider diagrams, looking specifically at target audience, special effects and types of shots.
Monday 24th October
Start looking at creating the narrative of the trailer by beginning to design the storyboard.
Monday 31st October
Finalize and put all the ideas together to create the first draft of the movie trailer. Start looking at the potential cast member, possible location and ways of filming. Use the research to find out which types of camera shots are effective for this specific genre. In addition, find out what costumes and props will be used during the filming.
Monday 7th November – 21st November
Begin filming and the putting together of the film. This period will include the putting together of the film and editing, along with the adding of any special effects and sounds.
28th November
Collect feedbacks from the audience
5th December – 12th December
Develop the trailer and make improvements suggested from the feedbacks.
19th December – 4th January 2012
Begin the research on the magazine front covers and posters. Analyse 3 magazine front covers and 3 film posters in detail in order to get some brief ideas of how to make it.
11th January 2012
Begin to make drafts of the posters and the magazine front covers to get some ideas. Make a first draft for each to be shown for some feedbacks.
18th January 2012
Get some feedbacks on the magazine front cover draft and the poster draft.
25th January 2012
Develop the magazine front cover and the poster making improvements based on the feedbacks. Complete it for the final draft. Check over everything.
10th February 2012
Deadline Day!

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