Tuesday 1 March 2011

Rough Ideas

Magazine Front Cover

For my magazine cover, I have some rough ideas for a title/masthead. The titles I have chosen are mostly music related and related to the genres which I have chosen (e.g. SWAG, BASS, ENCORE). By having a solid masthead with a title that is related to my genre, straightaway I am able to catch the attention of the public who are interested in this genre.  In addition, I need to make the title large, bold and clear so that it is the first thing the public/readers see.
The image for my  front cover will need to dominate most of the page and must be eye-catching to engage with the audience. I can further engage with the audience through the artist/model themselves by making them look directly at the camera, which in turn gives the effect that they are looking directly at the viewers.
Finally, I look on using certain colours to give my magazine a consistent house style that will run throughout. This will make my product look legit, professional and neat. These are all aspects which can encourage the public into buying the magazine as they know that the magazine is presented well and must contain useful and reliable information.


Contents Page

For my contents page, I have some basic ideas on how I will structure it. Based on my research, a professional magazine will have a consistent house style running throughout. This means that I have to use similar colours and styles from my front cover to the contents page. I am looking to include many pictures in the contents page, along with a structured description of the contents and features inside the magazine. I learned that too much writing in the contents page can make it look untidy and rigid and therefore, I will try to minimise the amount of writing by having a few images.
In addition, I am looking to break the contents page into different parts and categories to make the contents page look neat and legit. On the right-hand side, I am looking to have a chart-like list which contains the current top 40 charts, or it could contain all of the features inside the magazine. The rest of the contents page will have page numbers and small pictures of an artist to symbolise how the page will be solely based around that artist. This can encourage the readers into buying the magazine as they will recognise their favourite artist quickly and would therefore want to find out more about them through the magazine.


Double Page Spread

For my double page spread, I am looking to split the two pages into two different parts. The first page (left/right) will be for an image only. The image will be large and will dominate most of this page so that it can also be a poster if cut out. This can encourage the readers into buying the magazine as they are getting more than they bargained for as they are able to use the double page spread as a poster.
On the opposite page, most of the page will be filled by a quote or the title of the article and below it, the article/interview with the artist will be structured in a column like structure as seen in newspaper. I am looking to also include a picture of the artist being focused on.

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