Tuesday 1 March 2011

Sketches and Rough Ideas

To help me create a magazine cover, contents page and double page spread, I decided to make my own sketches to help me gain some ideas of what I want my end product to look like. I created some sketches for a masthead and different title name. Here are 3 names and 3 different designs which I created:

Each of the title I created are somehow related to music or the genre which I decided to focus on. This are ideal names for my magazine as they solely are related to music and the genre of R&B, hip-hop and rap.

Magazine Front Cover Sketches
In addition, I also decided to draw some sketches of some magazines. I based my sketch on the information I gained during the research progress. I used different size of font for my cover lines and main cover lines and also the background image dominates most of the page as seen in many magazines. Here are 2 sketches I made:

Finally, I created some basic structure in which I can set-up my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I made a sketch for each to get a brief/basic idea of how my overall products may look like. Here are each of the sketches:

Front Cover Sketch

Contents Page Sketch

Double Page Spread Sketch

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