Sunday 29 April 2012

Production of Magazine Cover

For my Magazine cover, I used Microsoft Powerpoint to create a portrait slide as a canvas for my product. After completing my photoshoot and choosing my background image, I was able to begin to look at how I can make the image effective and eye-catching making it stand out for the public. In addition, I also had to keep in mind that the background image is an important way of presenting my 'films' genre.

I decided to choose this photo as it very eye-catching and engaging towards the viewer as it gives the effects as if he is looking directly at 'you'. In addition, a tool within Microsoft Powerpoint is that I am able to change the colour of the image. In this screenshot, it shows various options of what effects I can do, all of which, are giving different types of feeling.

I decided to choose the colour effect which turned the original image to a black and white picture. I decided to pick this effect because it suggest the dark and scary aspect of the film thus slightly revealing it's genre.

I really liked this image as it provides me with the spaces needed for the title and slogan at the top of the photo. In addition, the picture is mostly central which allows me to surround it with cover-lines that will attract readers.

Another, reason I used Powerpoint is that it contains many features which will allow me to create a realistic magazine cover. As for my main cover line, I will be focusing on the 'film' which I have created. To maximise it's exposure, I used wordart which is a tool in Powerpoint that allows me to create a legit main cover line.

Wordart contains many different ways of presenting a certain text. Each design can be defined further as the font type and size can be changed along with its colour design. For my main cover line, the wordart I have chosen is very simple and the font is clear. I have chosen the font "Bernard MT Condensed" at the size of 96 thus making it clear and bold. Along with making the size of the main cover line big, I also chose the colour specifically to make it stand out. For the outline of the text, I used a white outer layer and the text itself to be read behind a dark black background. The design of the main cover line will be iconic to the audience because I will also use it for the movie poster as the title, thus making it recognizable to the public.

After finishing my main cover line, I used the text box to add in other cover lines to fill the surroundings of my magazine front cover, to make it seems as if it has many contents within it.

When I was creating other cover lines, I had to be careful with the contents I included with the magazine cover because it has to be related to the horror genre as the magazine is a horror movie magazine. This clearly showed the genre which I have chosen as the audience are able to relate with the genre of the films which I have included. For the setting of my magazine, I decided to use only 3 main colours, which is black, white and red. This creates a house style for all of the products as I will make sure that I use a similar house style in those. To maximise the exposure of these keywords, size and colour was an important factor. I decided to have names of films or actors in a bigger font to make them standout along with have words such as "new" or "world exclusive" in a different colour thus making it eye-catching for the audience. This should make audience feel like they are getting the most out of their money as they will be receiving alot within this magazine.

To finalise my magazine cover, I created a masthead which is big, bold and clear for the readers to see. I decided that normal fonts within Powerpoint were too basic and so I went online to find free downloadable titles which I can try out. I found a website "" which shared free fonts that is easy to download and install.

I found this font very interesting and related to my genre as it gives a 'bloody' effect which can symbolise violence and horror. I decided to download it and install it so that I am able to use it in programs such as Powerpoint.

The installing process of the font is very easy and there are even samples of what it will look like before you install the font itself.

After installing the font, I am able to find it within Powerpoint and use it.

Here is an image of my first draft of magazine cover:

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